Double Rolled Read online
Page 6
“No can do. I could use someone who doesn’t have their panties in a knot every now and then.”
“Oh, well aren’t you lucky?” Caleb replies, and then he looks at me. “How’re you feeling?”
Still the same couple I met a few years back. Tristan, never seemed to lose his cool in a crisis situation, while Caleb is full-on neurotic, most of the time. The same boys I’ve met, still beautiful, still the same fire and water pairing.
“It’s good that at least one of you asked me. I’m doing fine, thanks for asking.” I reply.
“Yeesh, a spitfire. What happened to the shy girl we met a few years back? I could swear you were about to pee your pants last you were here.”
I still feel a little woozy, another fainting feeling is threatening to subdue me. I didn’t think I would see them again. I try my hardest to convince myself that this is a dream, a sick, twisted, yet beautiful dream.
I love the way Caleb looks at Tristan. Always with concern and caution etched in his eyes. I can feel static every time Tristan would return the look with a chiding boyish charm. He is thirty-ish or something, yet he still has that glimmer of beauty in his eyes whenever Caleb gives him a look of indignation.
How could I not recognize Caleb? Maybe, Tristan, I could recognize because he’s still the same after all these years, but peel a little layer out of the dark-haired man, and it’s going to be the same Caleb I met all those years back.
I think back to yesterday when I thought that Caleb didn’t feel like he’s the type of guy to control people with sharpness, but I can see it now. I can see why he’s qualified to be on top. I could give him some pointers as to how to control Tristan.
But then again, I wouldn’t want to ruin my own fun. It’s amusing to see how he spirals out of control, the way I watch a puppy break out of its leash. But Caleb isn’t a puppy, he just looks like one, sharp edges and all.
Their bickering disappears in the background noise. All I could hear is the sound of me slurping my water. I watch the view outside, the lights flickering in and out of the cityscape.
After a while, Caleb sits beside me once more, and he starts to fiddle with his fingers. Tristan glances at him and then looks the other way to get some drinks. Caleb smiles at me, his eyes twinkling.
“How were you? All these years?” He asks.
I shrug. I can tell them that I’ve been a dominatrix, but as soon as these bozos hear I’m paid to do my work, they might think I’m a hooker. Which I am not. Just a thoughtful reminder that I’m not paid for sex, I’m paid for more than that, which is why the rate for a Dom is usually higher than that of a prostitute.
“Well, I work at a restaurant, playing the piano. All these years, I’m doing fine for myself. I’m doing good. Some odd jobs here and there” I say, “I can see you two are still perfectly normal.”
“Yeah, we are. Half of us, at least.” Caleb crosses his arms to glare at Tristan. He shrugs at Caleb.
“What’ve you been doing?” I gesture to Tristan with my glass.
“Modeling, mostly. I’ve been thinking of doing some nude modeling, just because I want to experience being open and honest with my fans, without having to answer those god-awful journalists over at Wall Street Journal,”
“Yikes,” I say, grinning, “bloggers aren’t that bad.”
“Yeah? Well, you haven’t been in the business that long. Roughly about a few hours, and it’s not even your first day,” Tristan says, “When you get there, my god. Buzzfeed is my worst enemy.”
“You hate BuzzFeed?” I chuckle, “I watch a lot of the Try Guys there.”
“Fuck them, I’m glad I got them off my hair.”
“And this is exactly why I don’t fight in the frontlines,” Caleb explains, “I prefer being the back office sort of guy, not really into the fame and glory thing. It comes with a price. One of them is your privacy.”
“Mhhhm,” Tristan says in agreement.
“What made you want to be a singer?” Caleb asks me.
“Back in my town, I used to join in singing contests. During my first years, I get second or third places. To me, that’s losing. I didn’t want to lose, yet I never took losing as a negative thing, rather a natural step in progression.
“So I bettered myself. I practiced more and more every day. I looked for songs that matched my abilities. One time, I stumbled upon the musical Mama Mia…I can never forget that song, Honey Honey. Won me first place.”
Caleb smiles, “I loved Abba when I was a kid. Mom would usually sing it while she’s tucking me into bed. Why didn’t you choose Abba during your audition?”
“Figured I could do something better,” I shrug. “And I did, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did,” Caleb smiles, “I would have still loved to hear some Abba.”
Tristan smiles, “What about boyfriends? Ever get another one?”
“Not really. Not much a dating person.” I tell him.
“Good, stick to singing then,” Tristan replies.
“What?” I can feel something stir inside me when he said that.
“Stick to singing. You’re no good at the whole sex thing and pleasing your partner thing.” Tristan says, chuckling, “I’m playing.”
“Oh? Are you now?” I fold my arms, “I don’t think you know how to play nice.”
“Jesus...” Caleb massages his head, “Tristan, you ass.”
“What? I mean, it’s true isn’t it?”
“It’s been years. Give her a break.”
“I know it has been, but I’m not over it. But hopefully, you’ve gotten better.”
I stand up and slowly walk around him. I’m not going to let Tristan say shit. Granted, I have found my true calling now.
Back when I was a sub, that was boot camp, preparing me for this very day. This very day I prove to him that I’m not just some pushover sub. I go behind the couch he is sitting on and lean forward to hold his arms.
Tristan is still frozen in his seat. His eyes are darting to his sides to check what I’m doing to him, though I’m not really doing much. Just holding his arms and clouding my brain with unholy thoughts.
“It’s true, I didn’t have much when it came to relationships. But I do have a…” I prance towards Caleb’s side this time. Caleb looks at me with fearfulness. “Vast array of experiences. Would you like to know what I learned over the years?”
“What could possibly change?” Tristan asks.
I raise my eyebrow at him, swinging my hips as I make my way in front of Caleb. I smile at him, and then place my hands on his arms, slowly cascading his body with my sensual touch to the bottom until I reach his belt.
I yank the belt from his waist before I stripped him of it. I slowly unbutton his pants and pull the zipper downwards, all while looking into his eyes like a little lost girl. It is obvious that Caleb didn’t know how to process this, as sweat trickles from his brow.
He looks at Tristan who returns the look to us with an air of amusement. Later, Tristan, wait your turn, and I’ll show you. I begin to unburden him of his clothes, piece by piece until his body is completely bare to me.
I glance at Tristan to see him biting his lower lip, while Caleb still doesn’t know how to react. He looks like he wants to ask something, but he just holds onto the question.
“Yes, Caleb? Do you want this to continue?” I ask him.
“…only because I want you to prove Tristan wrong.”
“That’s what I wanted to hear.” I smile warmly at him.
“Well, you just turned my boyfriend into a slut,” Tristan retorts, still chiding. Let’s wipe that grin off your face, pretty boy.
“He’s not the slut, Tristan. You are. You don’t think I can see your boner from here?” I move towards him, grabbing his cock, forcing him to stand up. He flinches, I can see his eye twitch from the shock.
“Oh fuck,” is all he could manage.
“You going to be a big man, Tristan? You want to talk some more?”
“Yeah, thi
s whole thing…”
I hold onto the belt, smacking him on the rear. He yelps in surprise.
“Listen, I…” He tries to say something, but the smack of the belt saves him from uttering a single word.
“Well, Tristan? Say something smart. I dare you. Come on.”
Tristan holds my hand holding the belt, shaking slightly. It isn’t fear that I see in his eyes, but more of excitement. Caleb gulps in my general direction.
“Take your clothes off. If you don’t, I’ll give you ten more, slut. Caleb, be a dear and step in front of Tristan.”
Caleb obeys, he moves in front of Tristan, while I try to find anything resembling restraints. I check to find another pair of belt, but a lot of these are much shorter in length, they wouldn’t be idle for a bondage situation considering it would cut deep into his circulation.
Now, in bondage, there’s always a risk involved when it comes to circulation and nerve damage, so the idea is to make sure you know how long somebody can stay within those restraints and which of their nerves are more exposed.
This is the difficult thing about not negotiating things, improvising safety measures, it’s not always ideal, but in this situation…oh, this is a special one. So I have to make some exceptions to the rule. I look at the curtains and find a piece of rope holding one pair to the side.
I unstring it from its predicament, and walk back towards Tristan, gliding the rope around his waist before grabbing his wrists and binding him from behind.
“When you can’t feel your fingers…” I touch his fingers, poking them ever so gently. “Just tell me, and I’ll let you go.”
“Well, this is new,” Tristan says, “Let’s see how long you can keep it up.”
“I can see you need a little attitude adjustment,” I reply, coldly. I take the string from the other pair of the curtain and hogtie his ankles to his makeshift wrist cuffs.
However, instead of pushing him to lie on his chest, I push him to kneel. I caress his back, moving my hands all the way to his hair. I can feel every follicle of his hair, before pulling it backward and making him look at me.
His cock is slowly erecting. I can see Caleb’s is pretty erect as well. But Tristan is the one I want to focus on, for now.
“Caleb. Be a dear, and stand on the bed.”
Caleb does as he is told. A good little boy, I remark. I want Tristan to be more like him, but then again…where’s the fun in that?
“What do you want me to do here?” Caleb asks meekly.
“Fuck his face. Fuck his face, and make him love it.” I say, shoving Tristan’s face on his cock. “Open up, Tristan. Open up, and eat him up.”
Tristan obeys, he opens his mouth up and starts sucking vehemently. I can hear every gulp he is taking.
“Caleb, you’re the boss in this relationship, right? Show him. Make him feel it. Grab his hair, and fuck his face. Teach him how to be a good boy.”
“I—I thought you were doing that.”
“Well, am I his girlfriend? No. This is your relationship. Make him regret all the times he’s been naughty. You gonna be naughty, slut?”
Tristan shakes his head, while his throat is planted on Caleb’s shaft. I walk towards the couch Tristan was sitting on earlier, and then I remove my thong. It’s time for a little fun of my own.
I caress my body gently, as I see Caleb’s hunger for thrusting grow more and more. I can’t resist the urge, so I start flicking my clitoris with a touch as light as a feather. I shiver as my fingers start to move a little more.
As Caleb starts to move his hips more, I start to penetrate myself with one finger. A silent moment of pleasure with nothing but ragged breaths escaping our mouths, two more went in. I go for my g-spot and then a loud moan escapes my mouth.
I want them. I want to show them who’s in control of their pleasure, and my own. I want to show them mocking me will be their biggest regret. I want to come, but not yet.
Not until I’ve shown them. I stand up from my seat as soon as I see Caleb’s shoulder twitch, and then walk towards them. I hold Tristan’s arms, gliding my hands towards his hand. And then press my lips to his ear.
“Tristan, squeeze my hand,” I command him.
Tristan squeezes my hand. His grip is still strong, but I’ve had my fun with bondage. I release him from his bindings, and let him kneel in front of Caleb and me. He’s panting like a dog.
“Awwww, I’m sorry to cut it short, Caleb,” I touch his cock, “You were probably close, weren’t you?”
“Yes… I was,” Caleb nods, still very unsure of what’s going on. I’ll make him sure. I push Caleb beside Tristan.
“Yes, what?” I ask Caleb.
“Hands on the headboard. Now.” Both of them holds onto the headboard, still on their chest, “I had thought only one of you needs the lesson. It appears both of you need to learn a little something. First, how you address me. Caleb, it’s Ma’am. Always Ma’am! Never forget that.”
I look at Tristan, “And you, little boy. I guess you’re starting to learn. But it wouldn’t hurt to bury the lesson in your thick skull.” I say to him. “Now, as soon as the belt lands on your sorry asses, you have to count and say thank you.”
“Yes, ma'am!” They say in unison.
“Alright, let’s begin,” I say as I grab the belt from the bed and start whacking them.
“One! Thank you, Ma’am!” They say, although less out of sync.
I smile and then continue to whack their asses until I can show them. Show them how wrong they are in insulting my bedroom skills.
I have no fucking clue what’s going on. But Max…Max lit a fire inside of me. Something I didn’t know that was soaked in gasoline, and all this time I’ve been waiting for someone to set it ablaze.
Max makes us bow in front of her; I can feel her heels on my balls. I feel so much pleasure from it. I’m not sure why, but the idea of a powerful man such as myself, at the mercy of a beautiful woman, is something I didn’t expect to enjoy.
“Do either of you know why I smacked your ass silly?” she asks.
“I didn’t properly address you, Ma'am.” I answer as soon as the question escaped her.
“But you learned, didn’t you? That’s good Caleb. I’ll give you a treat later. As for you, Tristan, how many attitude adjustments do you need?”
I can’t see what she is doing, but I can tell she is stepping on Tristan’s back as I hear her heel click. Tristan is about to say something, but she grabs him by the hair and starts whispering.
I can’t understand what she was saying, as I am distracted and trapped within my own bliss. This is real, this is actually happening, and I can’t fathom the idea that it came from someone we’ve judged so harshly about her sexual skills.
“At ease, both of you,” Max commands.
I transition from a kneeling position, while Tristan stands up nonchalantly. Oh, from the looks of it, he caught Max’s attention.
“Do you know what at ease means?” Max asks, folding her arms. She looks at Tristan with disapproval.
“I’m sorry, this is what happens when you don’t properly discuss the terms with your submissives,” Tristan answers, “Although I admit, I’m not good at following orders sometimes, at ease could mean many things.”
“Then let’s make it simpler. Get on your knees, and eat my cunt.” Max commands him.
“There, now we’re talkin—” Max shoves Tristan to his knees.
She presses his head against the bed’s corner. Her eyes are lustful as the way her hips move to his face, slowly grinding it. I feel as if I can drink in the scenery, the way she holds onto him like he’s nothing but a piece of meat to her.
Tristan grabs her ass, but Max slaps the hand off and gives him a swift slap on the cheek. Tristan's eyes are that of a scolded child.
“You don’t do something unless I tell you to. Got it?” Max says.
“Yes, Ma'am,” Tristan replies.
I’ve never seen so much power reverberate in one person such as this. I’m drawn to the sort of strength Max brings to the table, she feels determined, and she wants your will out of the way so she could have hers.
“I don’t think you understand…Let’s make sure you do.” Max takes her hands off him and goes straight towards me. She pets my head and smiles, “Caleb, Tristan is being a very bad boy. Do you mind teaching him a lesson with me?”
She smiles so serenely that I forgot she’s the one holding the proverbial gun. I nod, a bit hesitantly, but I nod either way.
“Then fuck me. As hard as you can. Show Tristan that you’re willing to do anything for me.”
I nod again, “Where should I begin, Ma'am?”
“My thighs. Start kissing my thighs, and go from there…” She folds her arms, “I didn’t think I had to teach you that. Do you and Tristan ever do it?”
I start to kiss her thighs, placing my hands behind my back. I don’t want to displease her the way Tristan does. Oh fuck, what am I thinking?
I don’t know. But it feels good. It feels good to please such a patient and caring mister—
Her palm lands on my face. I am in shock, I don’t know what to say. All I can do is look at her disappointed expression.
“I asked you a question,” she says.
“Oh, well, not as much…we don’t exactly do like we used to,” I respond. I didn’t know why I said that. To her, of all people.
Tristan glances at me, still in the same position as he was earlier. A little dazed from being force-fed of Max’s pussy, probably. Max smiles at me, and then she holds my face.
“Okay, then. Maybe you’re a little out of practice, so just to make sure…I’ll be the one to fuck you. Is that okay?” Max smiles at me lovingly.
All I could reply is a nod. Her eyes…I can feel it scorch my soul.
“Good!” Max says, grinning.
She pushes me on the bed. She stares at me, all while caressing her own body. I can feel my cock harden from her hip movements.
She touches my cock as soon as it is fully erect, she then massages it, teasingly. I gasp and whimper, it feels so good. I can tell she’s enjoying every minute of me gasping and moaning.